Dear Online Marketing Professional:
After 12+ years of teaching entrepreneurs how to achieve more success with whatever niche they occupy – I've observed some consistent trends.
I've seen the patterns. Catalogued what works. Experienced what's risky, what's safe. What's daunting and what's so much easier.
One thing that I have lived, and breathed, and seen over and over again:
Consulting Income Is the Fastest, Most Reliable Way to Make Money Without the Boot of “The Man” on Your Neck
Thousands of successful companies are ready to write big checks for anyone who will help them grow faster.
And because you're working on THEIR marketing funnel and THEIR ads and THEIR website – there are so many things you DON'T need that you WOULD need if you sold your own products online.
Ever been asked for advice? By a friend? By a neighbor? By someone you met online? You say something about keywords or SEO or Google and they start peppering you with questions?
Maybe you gave your advice for free (and experienced the joy of being ignored because you gave it away).
Or maybe you charged for it.
But you know for a fact that there is a never-ending surplus of entrepreneurs and big companies that desperately need guidance and expertise.
I know most of your friends and neighbors are not ideal prospects. But their questions prove there's LOTS of demand for real expert advice on how to grow a business. When you know how to find the ones that can pay you well, life as a consultant becomes pretty sweet.
That is why I'm 100% pro-consulting.
If you've trained with me and my team on any topic from AdWords to Autoresponders then you know 10x more than legions of entrepreneurs who need you to help grow their company.
Even if your expertise is something entirely different from marketing, the simple fact that you’re a Planet Perry member means you’re above average.
At last year’s consulting seminar, two brilliant programmers from Minneapolis came up to me and said, “We were joking with each other that it’s a rude awakening to not be the smartest two guys in the room – the people in this room are just incredibly talented.
I am quite confident that you’re above average. You’ve always been one of the smarter people in any room – even if others didn’t always recognize it.
Some clients will pay you handsomely to solve their problem.
Some will give you a piece of the upside.
A few will even give you equity... if you ask.
As delicious as that sounds, one of the biggest challenges facing you when you start to hang out your shingle as a consultant is finding your first client.
So if your biggest internal resistance is fear of getting a client... not knowing where you'll find them... or how you'll approach them... or what you'll say if you get on Skype or GoToMeeting with them...
I Guarantee that If You Do the Work & Don't Get A New Client in the First 90 Days, You Can Get A Full Refund from the Consulting Accelerator Program*
The only reason I can make this guarantee is because of how utterly unique this training is.
Not only have I been a consultant for the past 12+ years, but I've also built my team of world class consultants. They routinely make six figures a year. Some hit 7 figures.
We've put together an immersion program for becoming a successful consultant, the likes of which you've never seen.
I've built this training so you can hit the ground running even if you have zero consulting experience.
Unavailable Anywhere Else, Ever.
There's a secret of success that most people never realize. I've watched this play out over and over again regardless of industry:
Success is not a straight line
Whatever level you're at, you need training and guidance to get you to that next evolution. You'll increase your income. You'll raise your fees. And you'll improve the quality of clients you take on.
So if you're just jumping into consulting for the first time – Consulting Accelerator will take you from ground zero to success. But you shouldn't expect or try to become a Perry Marshall or a Matt Gillogly or John Mendocha or Jack Born in one straight line.
It doesn't work that way.
But there's no faster way for you to leave the Dilbert Cube and start earning respectable income that can sustain you comfortably like consulting can.
All the other gimmicks and empty promises hawked on bandwagon product launches is going to lead you towards a path of frustration.
Every person with a story on this page literally "grew up in Planet Perry," gaining critical business chops - in our world, using our lingo. You can now put all this to work in a team environment.
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