I just want to make you guys aware of a user on some blackhat & marketing forums by the name of "UNCLEMIKE" this guy screwed me over and I don't want it to happen to anyone so I'm sharing my story with you.
I contacted him back in mid July if he could process a couple transactions for a customer of mine, he advised me that he could do the transactions through paypal we would send the payments to him and he would collect his fee and then wire or deposit the money to mel. On or around July 12th the payments were sent and he told me I would receive the funds on the 29th of July.
Once we got to the date he sends me a email that he can't send me the funds because there is a "SOFT HOLD" on his paypal account and I've NEVER heard of a "SOFT HOLD" on a paypal account but he says in the meantime while were waiting he has a another "client" sending him some money on the first and that he will turn around and send me the funds from that transaction and he can wait for paypal to do there verification and he will get the money through them and I said great I'll be waiting.
Again a couple days goes by and he emails me and says "My client sent the money I'm going to withdraw the money and deposit it in your account tomorrow" this was stated to me on August the 5th. I provided him all of my banking info and the next day I check my account theres no deposit and "UNCLEMIKE" hasn't sent me a email explaining why there is no deposit and he hasn't responded to any of the 20 emails that I have sent him.
After I bombarded him with more emails and messages through skype he finally responds and says "whats the problem" and I said REALLY???? What the fuck do you mean? You were supposed to deposit the money into my account and his response was "My client didn't send me the money" but just the night before he stated to me the money was available and he was going to send it. And he gives me this whole thing that hes sorry and I'm like ok whatever now I'm still giving this scumbag piece of shit the benefit of the doubt remember this was August 5th.
So he still CLAIMS that paypal hasnt released the funds to him but he will get me my money by taking the funds out of his credit card and he just ordered it and its coming in the mail. I still give this piece of shit the benefit of the doubt and wait a whole month and he NEVER sent me a DIME of the $6100 that was processed through paypal.
I have all the screenshots of his emails to backup my allegations. I even tried to give him a chance and I asked him a week ago if he wants me to believe his story then in good-faith send me a $1000 and I'll wait for the rest but send me something so I know your being real and he wouldn't do it.
The real issue is if he would have just told me right off the beginning that he couldn't get me the money then I would have charge backed and immediately looked for another route but you can see by his email on JULY 29th that he tries to assure me that he will get me the money but in reality he was trying to kill time and get the funds verified through paypal so he can rob me and thats exactly what the asshole did.
This guy is a BIG time scumbag and thief and maybe you guys have had a good experience with him, but this time "UNCLEMIKE" got greedy and he really fucked me over, I've lost my client and my business has been hurt by this entire situation. Maybe you guys will tell me why would you trust him, well I had received good reviews from him on here but we all make mistakes and I blame myself but I'm just trying to make others aware of this SOB. So in closing I'd like to say "UNCLEMIKE" fuck you and karmas a bitch!