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  1. #1
    ♔ Administrator ♔


    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Sell Section Rules - Must Read To Sell Something!

    Please Follow The Rules Listed Below


    Anything going against what is posted below will be deleted.

    New People Here: BlackHatProTools is full of great deals and the vast majority of the people are 100% honest. People have also made and continue to make small and large fortunes posting their deals in here. Even though most members are honest and offer real value, it pays to use common sense here just as it does anywhere else on the Internet.

    If you have a question about a member ask the seller before you buy. The seller's forum history, profile, and what they have posted is available for members to research and evaluate.

    After making a purchase please post your review. Since the forum
    does not
    review, recommend, or confirm the content of BHPTs, and disclaims all responsibility for whether they live up to their promises, your truthful evaluation is important for all members considering a purchase.

    If you are an affiliate, or received a review copy of a product, you must note that when posting a review of the product.

    You may review the product if you've purchased. You may not debate about the sales process. If you feel something is deceptive, report it to the moderators / admin. Include details of what you believe is misrepresented, and why. Be specific, and remember that "I don't like this" is not the same thing as "This is unethical."

    You may list the OTOs associated with a product as a part of your review, once you've purchased the initial offer. That's part of the customer experience. Do not argue about them, or make statements beyond the list of what is offered.

    The seller decides their own sales process. You decide if you wish to buy what's offered.

    Vote with your wallet, not with endless arguments.

    Please keep your reviews objective and remember there is a full spectrum of experience by our worldwide membership.

    ================================================== ======================

    The Rules:

    1. All Sales
    Comply With Forum Rules, US Laws, and the Laws of Your Location. Keep in mind the forum
    can not
    possibly review and evaluate your sales. Legal compliance is strictly your responsibility.
    Do not ask me or a moderator if what you are offering is legal.

    The forum does not tolerate false claims. Treat your membership like gold as violating forum rules can result in a loss of BHPT posting privileges.

    You may not sell any product here that endorses, enables, or facilitates the sending of unsolicited bulk messages via email, private messaging systems, or other channels meant for one-to-one communication, or the spamming of forums, blogs, chat systems, or social networking sites.

    2. All Sales Must Be Something You Created. A Product Of Your Own. (A package of ebooks someone threw together is not considered a product and will be deleted) This is completely self explanatory and not up for debate. If you yourself did not create the product do not post it here.

    3. From time to time the forum may not allow certain advertisements, products, or services, and this could affect the ability of existing offers to be bumped or even continued.

    4. Anyone Caught Scamming Members Will Be Deleted From This Forum Entirely. (obviously)

    Keep in mind that the word "Banned" under a person's username means only one thing: They are not allowed to post for some period of time. Most bans have nothing to do with a person's products or services, so you shouldn't assume any more than that from the word.

    5. If the seller fails to deliver the product or service as advertised, or does not honor a posted refund policy, please report the problem to the moderators or me. Include enough details to allow them to look into it properly.

    To report a problem, just send us a private message. Please
    keep in mind
    that checking into your report may take some time, so responses will not be immediate.

    Note that the moderators do not read every post. If you want to be sure someone knows about an issue, you must use the reporting method above.

    The forum
    is not
    part of the transaction between a buyer and seller. We have
    ability to force a refund or other action by any party. We
    correct these issues. We are
    to reducing or removing access by parties we believe may be acting improperly or who violate the rules here.

    Civility and good sense count. Try to work out any issues with a seller first. Most of them will be responsive to questions and concerns. Stuff happens. Things break. Give them a chance to make it right. If they do not, report the problem.

    Also, to sellers, you must give your customers some reliable and common way to contact you that does not depend on the forum. A lot of people order products here who do not have enough posts to send or receive private messages.

    The biggest reason for unsatisfied customers is an inability to contact a seller to fix issues when they come up.

    6. If Your Sale Does Not Get Approved Right Away Please DO NOT Start Emailing The MOD's Or Posting About It In The Main Forum. Sometimes It Takes Time.

    7. We no longer allow wild characters and ascii art in Sales titles. The image at the bottom of this post is an example of what we want to stop. Look at it closely. Your Sale will no longer be approved if it looks like those in that image. Be moderate. If your current Sale goes against this rule edit it now. I'm not going to attempt to go into this rule with a fine tooth comb and create a massive volume for it. Just use common sense and create normal titles, with normal use of quotes and exclamation marks if desired.

    8. You may not use video testimonials from anyone who has an offer to sell them on or any other site.

    9. You may not offer any kind of "bribe" inside your product, or in other ways after the purchase, in exchange for leaving reviews in your Sales thread. For instance, you can't offer a bonus report that people only get if they leave a review. This makes all the reviews in your thread at least slightly suspect.

    The above paragraph isn't as clear as it could have been -- It's OK to publicly offer review copies, for free or at a discount, inside your Sales thread. Reviewers should make sure to say in their reviews that they received review copies. Transparency is the key here.

    If you find someone else doing this in a Sale you've purchased, feel free to report it.

    10. Do not link to off-site reviews from within a Sales thread.

    11. Anyone caught selling, trading or otherwise giving out the email addresses of their Sales customers will be banned from the forum.


    1. Find a Sale that looks like it went well and use that as a model for yours.

    2. Give people as much info as they will need to make a decision. This helps you, the buyer and the MOD's. This means: Do not post "blind ads." You must tell people what the product is, not just what it isn't.

    3. People have used this section of the forum to launch $20,000 a month businesses. Believe it or not, it's a fact. Treat it like Gold because that is exactly what it can be for you.

    4. Become a
    member here before trying to sell something here.

    More hints will be added later...

    Thank you!

    A big thank to WSO for the rules.

  2. #2
    Junior Member


    Join Date
    Sep 2014

    Thanks for the tips



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