We have created a CMS specifically for Escort agencies with tonnes of features and lots of nice designs to choose from. We've been in this business a long time and understand the needs of agencies to run it the right way. We have all the information you need to set up and run an Escort agency in the UK on our website. The Laws do change from Country to country and we're currently looking into these and amending the CMS accordingly for these places, so if you're thinking about running this sort of agency, best to see the laws in your country first.
We can just provide the designs and code from PSD to HTML5/WP or we can offer this CMS which is ready to go.
If you're thinking of getting into this business, just best to see your competition first so do a few local searches and see the quality of the sites and their marketing. We can help with this also.
Here are some pre-made designs or we can create a design to your specification
YOu can create this kind of site in WP but it does take time and effort to do this which is why we developed this. Have a look at our competitor sites and compare.
Here are the features and advance features of the Escorts agency script. Offering this to DP users for just £399
Front Area Features:
1. User registrations and login
2. User Panel ( Including Edit Profile, Change Password, Favourite Escorts , Reviews and Bookings )
3. Multiple languages
4. Face book and Twitter social share buttons
5. Unlimited Escorts Listing
6. Escort Profile Page with gallery, tours, Bio, rates, Social share buttons and Reviews.
7. Attractive Directory Gallery
8. Escort categories
9. Escorts Filter function ( Advance )
10.Featured, New, Available today and Available Tonight Labels on escort listing
11.Escorts Reviews with Star rating
12.Escorts Calendar
13.Employment form ( Registration of Escorts )
14.Online Escort Booking
15.Unlimited Static Pages
16.Unlimited Header Menu
17.Unlimited Footer Menu
18.Unlimited Footer Ads
19. Banner space on home page
20. Unlimited Escorts Cities
21.Google Analytic Tracking Code
22.Flexible design and layout
24.Contact Us Form
26.Dynamic Page Meta titles, Meta Keywords and Descriptions in Locations, Categories, pages and profiles so you pick up as many searches as possible.
27.Dynamic and SEO friendly URLs
28. Responsive designs.
Admin Area Features:
1. Site Statistics
2. Multiple Language content management system
3. Website Settings ( Including change design, background colours, Language settings, site titles and settings )
4. Template Settings ( Tool to manage global template )
5. Email Management (email templates, newsletter and send to users)
6. Site Watermark on escorts girls image
7. Header Menu Management
8. Footer menus managements
9. XML Sitemap ( Real Time )
10.Unlimited Static Pages
11.Manage Email Templates
12.FAQ management
13.Ban from IP
14.Admin Web logs
15.Database Backup Wizard
16.Escorts Management
17.Enhanced Tool For upload escorts images in bulk
18.Enhanced tool for edit images of escorts ( Crop, rotate, blur )
19.Calendar Management
20.Escorts Rates ( Set Default escorts rates )
21.Dynamic and unlimited escorts attributes ( Body type, categories, eye color, hair colour and ethnicity )
22.Cities Managements
23.Users Management
24.Promotional Newsletters
25.News and Updates
26.Banners management
27.Footer Ads Management
28.Blog Managements ( Including blogs categories, blogs comments and blogs settings )
29.Reviews Management ( Including Pending Reviews and Reviews Settings )
30.Booking Request Management
31.External Inquiries Management
32.Employments Management
33.Easy and secure interface
34.Admin theme tool