So I wanted to get a twitter bot coded which does automatic retweets, browsed through bhw looking for a programmer, found roach, added him on Skype. I then outlined the brief of the tool and my requirements. We phoned me via Skype and we talked, then said he could do it for $200. Which I thought was incredibly cheap considering my last tool with the same requirements cost me $600+. But I thought he seemed nice so I thought ok I'll give him ago. He wanted $100 upfront via paypal, however he was persistent the money must be transferred via a gift, he told me like 10 times which I found kinda strange...but again I thought he was nice so I send him the $100.
At the end of every day he sent me 'screenshots' of my tool. I believe the screenshots was just made up GUI screenshots to make it out like he has done some work. The completion time was 3-4 days, he was on the 4th day making excuses up. Anyway a day later he hits me with this:
[03/01/2014 1730] Terry : hey on my phone in the hospitol with my son
[03/01/2014 1738] Terry : been in the hospitol all night
[03/01/2014 1748] Terry : he got hit by a drunk dirver
[03/01/2014 1705] Terry : You there?
[03/01/2014 1827] addictive01: hey whats up, u there?
[03/01/2014 1851] addictive01: oh i see
[03/01/2014 1805] Terry : yeah he is in critical cond
[03/01/2014 1813] Terry : hit and run by a drunk dirver
[03/01/2014 1822] addictive01: sorry to hear
[03/01/2014 1825] Terry : thx
[03/01/2014 1834] Terry : I just hpe he lives
[03/01/2014 1808] addictive01: yes i hope too
[03/01/2014 1821] Terry : sry about the delay I will get back to you when I know if my son is going to live or not. Fair enough?
[03/01/2014 18:20:53] addictive01: yep ok
He claims his son has been hit by a car, I decided fair enough..I'll lay off him for a day or so (even though he's on Skype 24/7) and looked at his BHW profile he accessed the forum multiple times his 'son' was in hospital.
A day later he says this:
[04/01/2014 2030] Terry : I will just eat my losses and send you a refund if you like.
[04/01/2014 2031] addictive01: okay, so whats the situation bud?
[04/01/2014 2016] Terry : I earned the first 100 over the past week of coding but it is what it is
[04/01/2014 2034] Terry : my son died
[04/01/2014 2039] Terry : and i do not feel like coding
[04/01/2014 2052] Terry : im depressed and I lost my child due to a drunk dirver
[04/01/2014 20:25:16] Terry : did you get my messages?
[04/01/2014 20:25:23] addictive01: sorry to hear, my condolences
[04/01/2014 20:25:53] addictive01: yea, they are coming through slow
[04/01/2014 20:26:45] Terry : oh ok so your tool is not done I wont be programming until after the funeral and god knows how much longer after ... so what am i supposed to do
[04/01/2014 20:29:20] addictive01: Ah I see, well again im sorry to hear about your loss, i will have to try and find another programmer to do the tool so i would appreciate if you would refund me. however when you're ready to program again contact me to see if i have any work for you
So I thought he was being legit and he was going to give me my money back.
[05/01/2014 03:39:49] Terry : paypal is asking me if you gifted the money or just did instant transfer
[05/01/2014 1429] addictive01: Gifted.
[05/01/2014 1403] addictive01: Like i said at the start, why did they ask?
[05/01/2014 18:47:41] addictive01: hello, are u there?
[05/01/2014 18:49:26] addictive01: have you gotten chance to refund me yet?
[05/01/2014 18:50:43] Terry : no and i earned that first 10o dollars so I will not be refunding you what I will do is give you the source code so you can pay your next programmer 100 to funish it fou your
[05/01/2014 18:50:49] Terry : for you*
[05/01/2014 18:51:03] addictive01: Are you serious?
[05/01/2014 18:52:23] Terry : yes i am serious i spent a week making this tool so far for you my time is worth money I earned the first 100 dollars so with this source code your next programmer can easily finish the tool for you for 50 - 100 all the functions to interact with tiwtter are there and the whole structre is there all he/she would have to do is put the functions in the background workers spot
[05/01/2014 18:52:34] Terry : in the background workers do work loops
[05/01/2014 18:52:47] addictive01: When are you going to start work and programming again?
[05/01/2014 18:53:17] Terry : after the funeral man my whole family is here i just lost my 12 year old son to a drunk driver
He now saying he's not going to refund me, he sent me a source code of complete nothing..It's just the interface with no code or anything, a clear fake project.
Before he told me he wasn't going to refund me I created another Skype pretending to be a potential buyer for another code..
I won't copy all the convo, its basically me just saying what I need with the tool, I said i wanted a Facebook bot made and whether he has any other commitments to take care of.
[1/5/14, 6:46:10 PM] Keyo Long: ok as i said i need this started asap, so u don't have any other programs u have to code for other ppl? as i don't want to wait
[1/5/14, 6:46:46 PM] Terry : No i am not currently building any other tools howerver the bulk of my income comes from facebook top comments
He was more than ready to start programming my tool. But said to me he isn't going to program for a while because of his 'son'.
Let me know if u require anymore proof or evidence, I'll paste more source code. And yes I know my post count it low as Im not a frequent poster...
Im trying to get my money back from paypal and I'm 75% sure ill get it back but just be careful guys..
Extra bits:
[05/01/2014 1928] addictive01: it sucks ur not going to program for a while :/
[05/01/2014 1941] Terry : y is that?
[05/01/2014 1945] Terry : there are tons of programmers
[05/01/2014 1932] addictive01: but you're currently talking to my friend Keyo long right now, he showed me your convo....
[05/01/2014 1943] addictive01: why on earth would u lie about your son like that
[05/01/2014 1947] Terry : on I am not
[05/01/2014 1955] Terry : I told him I am not programming
[05/01/2014 1900] Terry : he keeps pestering me
[05/01/2014 1903] addictive01: [1/5/14, 6:46:10 PM] Keyo Long: ok as i said i need this started asap, so u don't have any other programs u have to code for other ppl? as i don't want to wait
[1/5/14, 6:46:46 PM] Terry : No i am not currently building any other tools howerver the bulk of my income comes from facebook top comments
[05/01/2014 1908] addictive01: You're a very sick person
[05/01/2014 1910] addictive01: and for the record
[05/01/2014 1915] addictive01: i WILL be getting my $100 back
[05/01/2014 1917] addictive01: watch me
[05/01/2014 1937] Terry : On 05/01/2014, at 19:09, Terry wrote:
> I am too old and too experienced to deal with that
I told you I will not amke this tool for you
so stop being a douche bag and lieing about me asshole
[05/01/2014 1901] Terry : go fuck your self i deliverd the tool and you gifted it it
[05/01/2014 1905] addictive01: you're actually a sick fuck
[05/01/2014 1908] addictive01: you'll see
[05/01/2014 1912] addictive01: i always have a back up plan
[05/01/2014 1916] addictive01: xo
[05/01/2014 1929] Terry : you are very ignorant
[05/01/2014 1938] addictive01: why on earth would you lie about your son LOL
[05/01/2014 1938] Terry : i had to block that asshole
[05/01/2014 1940] addictive01: fucking unreal
[05/01/2014 1944] Terry : because he wont leave me alone
[05/01/2014 1947] addictive01: never ever heard of anything like that before
[05/01/2014 1950] Terry : whatever he sent you was fabricatied
[05/01/2014 1956] addictive01: thats funny
[05/01/2014 1914] Terry : oko he has been blocked i have funeral arrangments to make
[05/01/2014 1918] addictive01: HA
[05/01/2014 1921] addictive01: you are so sick
[05/01/2014 1922] Terry : i hate toung punks like you
[05/01/2014 1933] addictive01: I bet you dont even have a family
[05/01/2014 1939] addictive01: bet you live in your mothers basement scamming people
[05/01/2014 1944] addictive01: actually hilarious
Be really careful with this guy