Selling a plugin that is supposed to give you hundreds of High PR Backlinks, but it really doesn't.
Instead, all the plugin does is find websites that use redirection scripts and it plugs any domain you want into that script. These are not backlinks and they will never get indexed.
It uses these same redirection scripts, that are built into sites incase somebody arrives there by mistake or does a wrong search query, to redirect them to where they wanted to go.
Search engines don't index those scripts or the query strings this program generates... they are not backlinks!
Unfortunately this Samsom guy is pitching this idea that they are real backlinks and selling this program to poor fools who don't know any better.
What makes it worse is that the warrior forums have deleted any and every post that challenge this plugin (like my post for example)
My post gave solid concrete proof that none of these so called "backlinks" ever get indexed or seen by any search engine. After 3 weeks of use not one of these "so called backlinks" ever showed up .. anywhere.
So yea. Samsom is a scammer and Warrior Forums (who get a cut of each sale) are hiding the facts so they can exploit innocent people looking for ways to increase their business.