So I thought it advisable to let any of you guys who are looking into Facebook or Teespring to avoid a couple of characters named Kris Dehnert and Jason Dehnert. I joined Jason's 'Millionaire Mentality Mastermind' for $97/mo and it's a couple of s**tty videos and then you get added to a Facebook page where he constantly spams his affiliate links. The group offers no value. Later on I saw a guy named Kris Dehnert spamming a Facebook group (not his own) to join HIS FB Mastermind for $97/mo. I asked him if he was Jason's brother and I let him know that Jason's mastermind had no value at all. Then he got really defensive. He began taking credit for every single successful design ever ran on Teespring. Saying something like "You don't even know how involved I am with Teespring."
Then his brother hit the post and proceeded to chime in with a picture of (apparently) his 'club tab' of $9000 along with his explanation of how $97 is chump change and anyone complaining about it is broke. Or something to that effect. I'd post screen grabs but I got blocked on fb after I posted this. Anyways watch out for these guys if you're trying to learn Teespring or Facebook. Stick w/ a mastermind where you know and trust the ppz. If anyone here knows these guys and wants to stick up for them I'm all ears, but IMO they're the epitome of scamming douchebags.