You need scrapebox or any scraper to do this
It's available here :
** Exclusive VIP MEMBERS Content: Reply to see the content **
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*. Filter Functions
1.) harvest url's with footprints below: scrapebox or google
intitle:add+url "your keyword"
intitle:submit+site "your keyword"
intitle:submit+url "your keyword"
intitle:add+your+site "your keyword"
intitle:add+site "your keyword"
intitle:directory "your keyword"
intitle:sites "your keyword"
intitle:list "your keyword"
"keyword" list -2014 -2013 -2012 -2011 -2010 -2009 -2008 -2007 -2006
"keyword" blog -2014 -2013 -2012 -2011 -2010 -2009 -2008 -2007 -2006
"keyword" directory -2014 -2013 -2012 -2011 -2010 -2009 -2008 -2007 -2006
"keyword" resource -2014 -2013 -2012 -2011 -2010 -2009 -2008 -2007 -2006
"keyword" resources -2014 -2013 -2012 -2011 -2010 -2009 -2008 -2007 -2006
"keyword" links -2014 -2013 -2012 -2011 -2010 -2009
"keyword" partners -2014 -2013 -2012 -2011 -2010 -2009 -2008 -2007 -2006
"keyword" blogroll -2014 -2013 -2012 -2011 -2010 -2009 -2008 -2007 -2006
-Save to CSV or TXT File
-If using Scrapebox remove anything below a PR 4
-If manual never write down a site below PR 4 (This tells us the sites we find with xenu will at least have one PR5 going to them)
2.) Open CSV or Tab Separated File in Xenu and Run 2 links deep with following settings
-Save to Tab Separated File after complete
3.) Cleaning Xenu File URL's (Trimming to Root Domain and removing unwanted URL's)
Manual vs Scrapebox vs DomainSpoon
-Filter Top Values
-Choose to only show "No Such Host"
-Copy and paste no such host URL's into another CSV
-Remove Duplicate URl's
-Remove Mailto:
-Remove www, http://, and https://
-Remove Cells containing
-Remove Sub Domains Using Text To Tabs
4.) Available to buy?
Take list of domains and paste into namecheap bulk domain checker (35 at a time)
-Alternative is to use scrapebox domain checker (allows whois offers)
-Alternative is to use domainspoon domain checker
Take all available domains and paste into txt file or csv (namecheap does not allow export function have to go one by one - Find Bulk Domain Export Tool)
5.) Check Metrics
-Take all available domains from txt file in step 4 and paste into majestic bulk domain checker.
-Use DomainSpoon to check metrics